How to Prepare Your House for Winter

winter home maintenance - person trimming tree branches with chain saw

Winters in Texas aren’t as harsh as some areas of the country, but winter home maintenance is still an absolute necessity. Cooler weather can wreak havoc on your home causing damage that could cost time and money to fix. Proper maintenance on things like your outdoor drainage systems, sprinklers, furnace, and pipes can protect your home and help you be …

6 Sprinkler System Maintenance Tips for New Users

sprinkler system maintenance - sprinkler head watering lawn

Like all good things, sprinkler systems require maintenance to work at their most efficient level. Failure to maintain your sprinkler system can negatively affect its performance and longevity. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve the performance and lifespan of your sprinkler system. Without further ado, here are 6 sprinkler system maintenance tips for new users. 1. Set …